Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Starbucks Frustration

Ok I dont't know about the rest of you but every morning I have gotta have my starbucks...It seems to me that somewhere along the way I have become an addict !! I'm not sure what it is that they have put in this drink that makes me continue to spend $5.00 on the damn thing, but I swear I could be dead ass broke and still manage to find the money to make it there everyday like some damn "Crack" addict. But my biggest frustration with them is the non-urgency attitude, like all of us have all damn day to sit around and read the paper and listen to jazz...(well at this time it seems to be Christmas music)....Don't these people understand that some of us have got to be somewhere!!! (u know work)..and then of course you have the dumb ass in front of you that has been spending a good twenty minutes themselves waiting to order their drink and then finally make it to the counter for them to ask you "what would you like" ? and this idiot now spends another 5 minutes looking over the menu...couldnt you have this figured out by now !!!...... geeezzzz it's coffee damn it order already so I can get the hell out of here, only to sit in a nice looonnnggg drive to Anaheim (thanks Les) ..So please pick up the pace....I really wish I could hang out with you all at starbucks all day but unfortunately someone is waiting for me !!!


Candiheart said...

Of course your pic it LAYING on it's side..just waitng to be taken...

Brianna said...

Hey all I have to say about the drive is....better you then us. HAHAHAHAHAHA jk